Monday, April 27, 2009

Danville Braves Reading Competition

Today we had a visit from The Danville Braves and the mascot, Blooper! It was at an assembly to start a new reading competition! In 5th grade, students are required to read 4 AR books, take the tests and pass them, and then let the teacher know so it can be recorded on the students' bookmarks. Students will then receive their bookmark to take to Sylvan Learning Center where they will receive tickets to a Danville Braves game!!!! They will also be eligible to win other prizes. So let's all get busy!!!!! Please note that the students MUST pass the AR tests and the teachers will ONLY take the tests off ONCE if they do not pass them. Their bookmarks are kept in a pocket chart at the front of the room so they can bring them to me to update. A poster in the hall helps us keep track of how many books each student reads! So......come on 5th graders and READ, READ, READ!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A "Teacher's Basket" For Miss Worsham!

We had a teaching assistant from Averett, Miss Worsham, helping in Math classes for the past few weeks. As a "thank you" for all of her help, the students and I gathered materials to put into a basket for her. Next semester she will do her student teaching before graduating from Averett and becoming a teacher and we wanted to give her some things that she could use in her classroom one day. We FILLED the basket with paper, pencils, highlighters, folders, paperclips, glue, glue sticks, post-it notes, and MANY MANY other things! It was a HEAVY basket and Miss Worsham was so surprised and wanted me to make sure that I told each and every student who contributed to it how much she appreciated such a wonderful surprise! All of the 5th-grade students also signed a card for her! What a wonderful and caring thing for them to do for her! She is going to be an AWESOME TEACHER!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Students who work hard, have all of their homework, put forth a lot of effort, and really work hard during the SOL preparation time and SOL Test Days will be allowed to go to Skatetown in June during the school day. This is an important time so PLEASE put a lot of effort into your preparation for these tests. We KNOW that everyone can pass all of the tests and I feel confident that ALL of the students can make a PERFECT 600 on the MATH! My homeroom class is also capable of making PERFECT 600's on the Reading Test if they use the skills we discussed in class and they TAKE THEIR TIME READING AND RE-READING THE SELECTIONS!!!!!!! You can do it! Make us proud and do it for yourself, your families, and your school! YOU MAKE TAYLOR ELEMENTARY LOOK GREAT!!!!

***As a reminder......if you do not do what you're supposed to do, then you will not be allowed to go with us to SkateTown. We are not going to reward those who do not do what they are supposed to, so work hard and let's ALL pass!!!!!

Picture Orders Due By May 4th!

Parents please remember that the last day for ordering pictures is May 4th.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

School Starts Back Again On Monday!

I certainly hope all of my students have had a wonderful and restful Spring Break! I sure have! Now we are getting ready to jump back in and do some last minute preparing for the SOL TESTS! They are quickly approaching. Make sure that you are paying attention, asking questions, practicing at home, and doing your best. I have a top-notch group of students this year and I expect all of them to make perfect 600's on that Math Test! You guys can do it! So buckle down and "show what you know!" Can't wait to see all of your smiling faces on Monday! Enjoy your last day of Spring Break! Love you guys!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!

Spring Break officially started today when the kids got out at 11:40! YAY! We now have all of next week off and I am so happy that we will all have time to relax and get rejuvenated for the upcoming SOL Testing Time! Make sure you study a little bit every day and don't lose your skills! Be safe and enjoy yourself!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

INTERSESSION THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Well this week (April 6-10th) is our last Intersession before SOL Testing! We are going to do a lot of fun games and review activities so please be on time and be prepared to ask questions about things you still need help with! We want to be ready for those tests so EVERYONE makes a PERFECT 600!!!! You ALL can do it because you're a smart group and we have covered ALL OF THE SOL MATERIAL!!!!!! Practice every night at home and ask questions!!!!!!!!! I'm here to help you succeed!!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Here are the dates that students will take the SOL Tests:
May 7th: Reading

May 14th: Math

May 20th and 21st: Science (online)

May 26th and 27th: Make-up days if they are absent. Do NOT be absent if you can at all prevent it, because the make-up tests are more difficult!!!! BE HERE and BE ON TIME!!!!!