Well today is the first official day of summer break! I'm sure it will fly by!!!!!
The Promotion Ceremony was wonderful yesterday and the kids all did a great job with the songs! I couldn't look at them as they sang, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" because I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes! I am so proud of them and loved having my own little self-contained classroom! The kids were AMAZING!!!!!! Next year I think we are going back to being departmentalized so I will have my homeroom for Reading and then be the Math Teacher for ALL of the 5th-graders again. I like that too because I get to know them all, but there's nothing like having one class all day and teaching EVERYTHING to them......we were like one happy little family!
Anyhow, the students asked me to post some pictures from the last day so here goes....along with some others from the past week or so. ENJOY! Have a great summer!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Posted by Susan Appleton at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 8, 2012
This week has been such a blur of activities that have been PURE FUN!!!!! Yesterday we took a trip to the Bowling Alley for the students who had passed all of their SOL Tests (or the alternative tests) and we had a ball! We bowled until we couldn't hold the balls any longer! We laughed and cheered each other on and just had a great time hanging out as friends and being together! A great time was had by all! Then today we had our annual 5th-Grade Kickball Tournament! I made shirts for every one of my students and our team name was Appleton's Awesome Alligators! They were so surprised when the walked in the room and saw the shirts laid out on the desks with their names and numbers on the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a LOT of fun playing and everyone did their very best. I was so proud of my students who had GREAT sportsmanship even though we lost! LOL! It's ok though because we played very well and also were good cheerleaders for the other two teams who played the championship game. Miss Dudley's class won first place and Mrs. Collins class won second place! Congratulations to all who had fun!!!!! Next week will be even busier! Monday: AR Pizza Reward Party and End of the Year Party Tuesday: Field Day Wednesday: Final Rehearsal For Promotion Ceremony Thursday: Last Day At Taylor/PROMOTION CEREMONY at 9:00! (Lots of tears and hugs to follow!)
Posted by Susan Appleton at 7:46 PM 0 comments